Trigeminal Neuropathy Symptoms and Causes

Trigeminal neuropathy is a condition that attacks the trigeminal nerve, that normally carries sensory information from your face down to your brain. If you suffer from trigeminal neuropathy, even slight stimulation of the face including from brushing your hair or putting on lipstick can cause a jolt of unbearable pain. The pain can be very intense and, in severe cases, can cause sufferers to lose control of their bowels.


In some cases, the pain can also be so acute that it will prevent sufferers from eating or drinking anything


It is estimated that trichotillomania, another form of chronic pain disorder, affects as many as 25% of people in the US. Trichotillomania involves excessive scratching, hair pulling, and other emotional behaviors that seem to have an emotional or physical connection with the affected area. It can affect areas such as the neck, scalp, face, hands, feet, and feet.


While there are no known long term consequences of trichotillomania, there are certainly medical consequences such as an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes. It can also lead to depression, stress, anxiety, and even psychosis.


So, what are the long term effects of this kind of chronic pain? How does someone get relief from this kind of condition? To understand what treatment options are available and how they can help, it is important to understand the symptoms and cause of this condition.


The main symptom of trigeminal neuropathy is an itchy sensation in your facial area, often felt when you are having a cold or fever. It's very difficult to describe the sensation, but if you know someone who suffers from it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. When a person has trigeminal neuropathy, the pain associated with it is typically not localized, but rather can be experienced all the way down to the back of the head. The discomfort can be especially pronounced in the morning when the face is still very warm.


Because the pain isn't localized to just one area of the face, the pain can actually be a symptom of something else going wrong with the patient's nervous system. If there are other underlying problems affecting the patient's nervous system, the pain can be a warning sign of something much bigger going on. One of the best ways to get relief from this kind of pain is to take antihistamines.


They work by reducing histamine production in the body


Histamine is produced in response to muscle tension. Because the patient's body needs to produce histamine, they will develop symptoms like itchiness and itchy skin when there is too much histamine in their system. The antihistamines can then help by lowering the amount of histamine released and reduce the symptoms.


When you're experiencing pain, remember that it's also possible that the problem is caused by something else going on in your body that can also be causing muscle tension. A common cause of this type of pain is muscle spasms in the neck and upper back area, as well as the face. Other conditions that can cause muscle tension include tumors, arthritis, and spinal cord injuries. When this happens, these muscles can become stiff and cause pain and tension, both of which can make it even more difficult to deal with.


Trigger points are areas of the body that become inflamed. When the inflamed part of the body is squeezed, the pain associated with the pain will increase. For example, if a muscle tightens around the ear causing the pain to spread to the rest of the face, that is a trigger point.


One of the ways to treat a trigger point is by relaxing it and relieving the pressure. Massaging the trigger point with a towel can be quite effective. If the pain becomes too bad, a hot compress or heating pad can also be helpful. While these methods aren't always enough to reduce the pain, they are great for relieving the swelling that causes the pain.


Antihistamines work to reduce the amount of histamine and relieve the pain associated with this condition. If your doctor prescribes antihistamines for you, make sure you follow the instructions. They can be very helpful, but they should only be used on a short-term basis.

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