What Causes Scrotum Swellings?


The scrotum is located between the anus and the pubic area


The skin on the scrotum is sensitive and the area can become inflamed in cases of infections. This may result in itching and burning sensation. There are several diseases and conditions that have been related to the scrotum area, which includes the common cold, flu, genital herpes and more.


The scrotum consists of two large organs that are located under the scrotal sac. The testicles are actually 2 small, hollow organs located at the base of the scrotum. The testicles are involved in making sperm and secreting a hormone known as testosterone. Testosterone is a key hormone in male growth and development for building muscle, deepening the voice and growing hair. The testicles make it possible for men to achieve ejaculation and have a full erection.


The ovaries produce hormones that regulate menstruation and the production of milk and sperm. If the ovaries do not produce enough hormones, men may not be able to conceive. Men may also experience erectile dysfunction.


If the disease occurs during puberty or after pregnancy, the scrotum may show early symptoms such as sores, redness, and swelling. If the condition is severe or prolonged, bleeding may occur from the testicles.


Various treatments are available to relieve scrotal pain, inflammation and swelling. You may try over-the-counter creams, ointments and suppositories to ease discomfort and infection.


In extreme cases, surgery is often performed to remove the tumors or to reduce the swelling. The procedure is called open reduction and involves removal of a piece of tissue or the whole scrotum or the pituitary gland.


Certain types of medications are prescribed to reduce inflammation, reduce the appearance of scarring and prevent infections. Anti-inflammatory drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin and indomethacin. corticosteroids include prednisone, cortisone and prednisolone. a corticosteroid inhaler may be used to reduce inflammation in children and adolescents. Other medications used for the treatment of scrotum swelling include acyclovir, nizatidine, doxycycline and voriconazole.


For more severe cases of scrotal swelling, natural remedies are often used. One example is vitamin C and zinc supplements. The vitamin is said to increase blood flow to the area. Zinc acts as an anti-inflammatory by reducing the inflammation of blood vessels.



In some cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for scrotum pain and inflammation. However, these medicines should be taken only on a short-term basis.


The topical creams and ointments can be applied to the affected area once or twice daily and left on until they are absorbed by the skin. After about two weeks, a change can be made and the cream or lotion can be repeated if needed.


Many herbal and natural substances can be used in combination with these topical creams and lotions


For example, chamomile is known to reduce pain and inflammation and swelling. and increase blood flow.


Herbs and plants also help relieve itching and pain. The Chinese herb, saw palmetto, contains a plant-based anti-inflammatory and can be applied to the scrotum. Red clover is another useful herb. Red clover has been used for treating urinary tract infections and bladder infection and pain.


Tea tree oil and aloe vera are other herbs that help relieve pain. Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory agent.


Herbs can be combined together to make a soothing bath. A mixture of lavender, bergamot, cedarwood and hyssop can be used to soften the scrotum and help ease irritation.


When a cold compress is placed on the scrotum, it helps reduce inflammation. Hot compress can also be applied to the skin. This relieves swelling and pain caused by scrotum swelling.


If you are concerned that you may be having a scrotum swelling, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an over-the-counter creams and ointments or may suggest herbal or natural solutions to help with scrotal swellings and pain.

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