What is Autism?

Autism help kids learn about their world, but autistic children often have trouble adapting to this world


Many people who are diagnosed with autism feel like they need to be "cured" or that their condition is somehow a disease.


Autistic children have been in the news for years, and it's clear that some parents and others believe their autistic children need special care. This is not true. Autism is an autistic child's disorder, just like any other disorder, and there is no cure. In fact, most autistic children never even outgrow their condition.


The diagnosis of autism begins when a doctor notices that your child exhibits some of the signs of autism, such as repetitive movements, lack of eye contact, or odd choices in speech. Once a doctor has determined that the symptoms in your child are autistic-spectrum symptoms, the next step is to determine which type of autistic your child is. For example, if your child starts talking a lot of nonsense words, this may be a sign of Asperger's Syndrome. If your child does not speak at all, he or she may have Autistic Disorder.


Because each autistic child differs so much from other autistic children, it is impossible to describe autism in a few words. One autistic child may talk repetitively; another may have trouble reading or writing. Yet another may have a limited vocabulary, yet communicate by touch and mimic sounds. All these behaviors can overlap with autistic spectrum disorders.


Your doctor may try to define autism through the child's symptoms. For instance, if your child repeats words over, you may be able to make the diagnosis by simply noting that your child is repeating words when he says them, and by pointing out that when he goes to say "mother," he says "mum."


However, the treatment of autism can not be defined by its symptoms alone; it must also take into account the child's condition. If your child is unable to communicate because of his autistic disorder, his treatments may be different than a child who is able to speak and vice versa.


Even though autistic children are often misdiagnosed as retarded, this is usually because many autistic children do not understand why they are being treated. This is a very normal thing, especially when autistic children do not feel like they are being helped. and may even become upset. When autistic children are treated in an appropriate way, their ability to learn, interact, and function in society will greatly improve.


Autism and autistic children need love to be cared for


You can help them with this, when you know what autistic is, how to recognize their symptoms, and know that there is hope.


As a parent of an autistic child, you are probably already aware that your child cannot perform the simplest of tasks like talking, walking, or talking. They can not hold conversations, they cannot read, write, or count. There are no typical activities for autistic children. They are unique.


What autistic children need the most help with, however, is love. You need to show them that you care about them. Showing that you are happy and that your child is happy will show them that you see them as a part of the family. They need to know that you love them. They need to feel like their life matters.


Autistic children also need a great deal of attention. You need to get to know them, so you can be there when they have their special needs met, whether that means visiting doctors, therapists, or doing activities that teach them new things, activities that keep them engaged. They also need to feel that they are important.


Autistic children need your unconditional love, patience, support, and understanding. If you want to help your child, you need to give it to them as much as possible. Remember that your child is unique and that they cannot be fixed.

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